Make sure to select an example compatible with your LCD. Launch the CodeVisionAVR IDE Open one of the X-Graph/XG8800 Examples.

If you now connect your pushbutton to one of the port D pins and the other end to Gnd then when you press the button and read PIND you'll find the bit for that pin now reads '0'. example C program using the CodeVisionAVR V3.07 or later C compiler extension for Atmel Studio 6.1. GLCD 128圆4 - main() looping is a popular C code snippet to get the program to. Step 3: Run one of the CodeVisionAVR Examples. The dialog window as shown in Figure 2 will open. Program the examples as you read, then you will soon learn more and more advanced functions, but start with the most simple. Try reading the book from the link I gave you and you will find a lot of examples. c button debouncing in xmega avr stack overflow, migration to codevision avr freaks. First now you should try to make running LEDs. Then press the STK500.EXE Directory button in order to specify the location of the stk500.exe command line utility supplied with AVR Studio. I have to use all the 6 PWM pins in Atmega328 using codevision AVR.

Presumably the button is on port D as you are configuring that one as the input port? A nice feature of the AVRs are the internal pull up resistors so that if, after (or before, it doesn't matter) you also write to port D with "PORTD = 0xFF" then you will not only have configured it to be all inputs but also to have all the lines connectd to Vcc through pull-up reistors so if you were to then read the PIND register (your read PINx for input and write PORTx for output!) you would find it held the value 0xFF as all the lines would be pulled-up to the '1' state. Make sure to select as Chip Programmer Type the Atmel STK500 AVR and the corre-sponding Communication Port that is used with the STK500 starter kit.